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Ichigo is half time demon, half psychic demon. In a fit of teenage rage  he ended up traveling across time and his planet to the ancient realm of Pashun,


  After accidentally landing in the child Emperor Shing's carriage, Ichigo ends up being severely distrusted by Shing's advisers Maze and Talos. To prove his good intentions, he goes off on a deadly mission to thwart the local bandit problem. On the way he picks up some willing and unwilling assistance from two hunters Dao and Lee.

With the help of his new friends and an orphaned Kitsune named Maryweather, Ichigo accidentally becomes involved in the political struggles of Pashun by unraveling the truth behind the string of bandit attacks in his real life history lesson.


Art: Lucy Kubin

Writing: Valerie Kessler and Lucy Kubin


Start Date: July 15th 2014

End Date:  N/A

Updates:  On Hiatus!


Check out Ichigo's adventures in Kitsune Tales!


Here are all of our past, present, and future comics with links on where to read them.  Please enjoy!

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